PHA Level 1 - Free Course Module
The PHA Online Course
Course Curriculum
Evidence-Based Health Intelligence
PHA provides professional development in personalised health and it’s application to practice. Using the insights from the evidence-based Shae™ platform and app, trained clinicians are able to assess and understand each client’s specific needs based on their unique phenotype (gene expression).
The understanding gained from this course will enable much deeper insights into a client’s physiological basis of health & disease. Through the advanced clinical platform and app (Shae™) plus discipline specific professional development, the educational pathways support the application of precise, personalised guidance in the areas of nutrition, exercise, mindset and environment.
Who should be involved?
The PHA Level 1 Course and associated educational pathways are designed for health, fitness, allied and medical professionals determined to make a difference in every client’s life, whilst having a positive impact on their industry.
The course is suitable for all allied health professionals including, but not limited to:
- Health Coaches
- Dietitians & Nutritionists
- Naturopaths
- Personal Trainers
- Exercise Physiologists
- Psychologists
- Social Workers/Counsellors
- Psychotherapists
- Nurses & Practice Nurses
- Diabetes Educators
- Osteopaths
- Physiotherapists
- Chiropractors
- Occupational Therapists
- Scientists & Researchers
- Academics & Educators
Personalization of health interventions is recognized as the future of disease management and performance enhancement. This course is designed to develop knowledge of an epigenetics based model of care that better supports the individual needs of each client. It is intended that allied health practitioners will increase their knowledge and confidence to practice in the treatment of lifestyle related conditions
The science & practice of Precision Health & Shae
Over 20 years of real world data of over 50000+ cases, and an international panel of experts specializing in over 15 different areas of health science have been involved in the creation of the educational platform and app, Shae™. It is designed to ensure that the right scientific principles are provided to the right individual, and to eliminate the ‘trial and error’ approach. Used in conjunction with clinical observations and experience, the Shae coaching platform and the accompanying education through the Level 1 Course will enhance accuracy and consistency for all health, fitness, allied and medical professionals.
Shae™ Technology for Allied Health Professionals
Becoming a trained precision health practitioner will provide you with clinical access to the leading personalised health & epigenetic platform, ‘Shae™’. Shae™ integrates into any allied health business or consultation model. The information delivered is designed to assist by providing greater accuracy of assessment, precision in intervention and more comprehensive care for each individual. Coupled with industry leading business integration support, it gives each trained clinician the tools to simultaneously increase revenue and client results.
Assess Gene Expression
A simple, non-invasive 30 minute assessment of your clients gene expression, that can be performed in clinic, during a consultation or training session, meaning you always have the most accurate data available for each of your clients unique needs.
Mindset and Motivation
Gain insights into the biology of behaviour. Upskill in the understanding of brain function, how it varies between individuals, and how understanding these differences lead to faster and more sustained behaviour change. Remove the guesswork from behaviour change coaching, and apply the right principle to the right person.
Intelligent Personalized Insights
Support your current interventions with detailed information on personalized nutrition (specific foods & recipes), movement (timing & type), and environment, optimized to your client’s current health needs. Consider 10,000 epigenetic correlates with the touch of a button.
Why timing matters
The science of chronobiology made simple. Understand how the latest evidence in food, exercise and cognitive function timing can dramatically alter the effectiveness of your intervention.
Health Professional Community & Support
Join a global network of health professionals applying epigenetics in practice. Benefit from the collective experience of 10’s of thousands of clients, plus an almost inexhaustible professional resource center to fast track your learning, enhancement of client results, and business outcomes.
Take care like never before
Add an extra level of support to your clients’ interventions and allow Shae to provide around the clock support to your clients through push notifications and health reminders specific to their needs. As a coach, gain clinical access to see each person’s personalized data and communicate in real time.
PHA Level 1 Course
This course is designed to update clinicians in:
- The essential sciences of personalized lifestyle medicine: chronobiology, personalized exercise & nutrition, neuropsychology, endocrinology, semeiotics and exposomics
- Determining the foundational differences between individuals through quantification of their phenotype (gene expression)
- How quantification of these differences in phenotype allow prediction of appropriate lifestyle interventions
- The practical application of these principles with patients
This 8-Week Course includes
- Online Pre-Learning (assessed learning: 5-7hrs)
- 2 Days of face to face learning (assessed learning: 17hrs)
- 6 Weeks of Online Mentoring and Education (assessed learning: 18hrs)
Providing you with an in-depth view of Personalized Health principles, practical application of epigenetics to real clients, & the integration of Personalized Health into your existing fitness business:
- The PHA Level 1 Manual to enhance your learning experience and for later quick reference
- Exclusive membership into the Precision Health Alliance community, join a network of like-minded allied health professionals, fitness professionals and medical doctors to expand your referral and support base.
- Live mentoring to assist you in utilizing the personalized health insights with your clients
- Ongoing training, support and development in your are of expertise, behaviour change/coaching and business as you continue on your personalized health professional journey
Live your potential as a Precision Health Practitioner
Get started today!
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